Are you looking for a way to show off you purple pride? Check out the Indian Nation online store to purchase your new spirit wear. We invite all citizens to join our students and staff in wearing purple each Friday to display school spirit in the community. The store is open until Aug. 30th. Product ordered may be picked up after September 13th at Pacific High School.
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Indian Pride
Golf Tournament to Benefit Backpack Food Programs for Kids on Saturday, Sept. 14 at Meramec Lakes Golf Club. Four person team at $100 per player. For more information contact Linda Stettes 314-795-9415 #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Golf Tourn.
​Riverbend Middle School Open House Tuesday, August 20 from 6-7 p.m. Dr. Arbeitman and Dr. Joller invite all families of students in grades 7 & 8 to attend the school Open House event. Parents will have the opportunity to meet staff, complete any outstanding admissions paperwork, and tour the school. Connecting home and school makes us a great community for learners. Help us make it a great year! #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Use the free Meramec Valley R-III mobile app for easy access to lunch menus. Eligible students can receive free or reduced meal prices. Contact your student’s school for an application for meal assistance or download the form from our Meramec Valley R-III mobile app. Assistance is based on the National School Lunch Program guidelines. A special thanks to the Pacific Eagles for filling the gap when families need assistance. #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
National School Lunch Program
Safety First.. A new year brings changes to routes & ridership. School buses may run slow the first few days of school as students are learning where and when to board the appropriate bus. Your understanding is appreciated as our bus drivers take a little extra time to establish bus routines. Our Transportation Dept. will be monitoring and adjusting capacity, routes, and times as needed over the next few weeks. Your patience is appreciated as our focus is on getting students to and from school in a safe and efficient manner. As always, we encourage citizens to watch for buses and be sure to stop while they are loading and unloading students.
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
School Bus
Tomorrow is the BIG day!! Send us your Back to School photo. Submit a photo in the comment section of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. (Please-1 photo per person) Don't forget to add our hashtag...#MVnation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
First Day Photo
Are you ready for the first day of school? Download the free mobile app for info. on district & school news. Search Meramec Valley R-III in your App Store. #MVnation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
MVR-3 new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with news from admin, stories, & emergency notifications. Download app for free on both Google Play or Apple App Store. Search Meramec Valley R-III in your App Store. #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
District App
MVR-III District Nurses complete a training at Children's Hospital in St. Louis. Training topics included: first aid, anxiety & depression in children, seizures, medical management, and other hot topics. #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
MVR-III Nurses
Serve Our Students was a SUCCESS! A special thanks to the community sponsors & volunteers that donated funds, items, and time. 232 students received backpacks full of supplies, got haircuts, had vision & hearing screenings, and shopped for clothes. THANK YOU!!!! #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Salon 731
232 Backpacks
Chartwell Dining Services
Event Organizer Mrs. J. Karl Greets Families
PAT Enrollment
Pacific Eagles donates $500 to the Serve our Students back to school fair scheduled Saturday, August 10th at Pacific High School from 8-12.
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Pacific Eagles Donation
Riverbend and PI held their registration events on Aug. 6. Students & parents toured the building reviewed student schedules, and met staff. First day of school is Aug. 15. #MVNation
over 5 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Registration 2019