Matt Trower, his wife, and their two children have been residents of the Meramec Valley R-III School District for many years. His wife, Megan, is an elementary teacher in the school district. Matt is a 1996 Pacific High School graduate and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business. During Matt's free time, he may be found coaching baseball and basketball. He also enjoys volunteering for the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program at Zitzman Elementary. Mr. Trower holds a Missouri School Board Association Master Board Member Certification.


Matt Trower; Board of Education President

Dianna Meyer: Board of Education Vice President & Missouri School Board Association Delegate
Dianna Meyer and her family are residents of Catawissa. Dianna is an Assistant Vice President of Technology at AT&T and a resident of the Meramec Valley R-III School District for over 20 years. She is married to Pacific High School alumnus and retired MVR-III teacher, Randy Meyer. They have two daughters who have attended MVR-III schools; Maggie graduated in 2021 and Sophie will graduate in 2024. Dianna brings over 25 years of leadership and financial governance experience and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. She was appointed to the Board of Education in December 2018, elected in 2019, re-elected in 2020, and currently serves as the Vice President. Dianna is passionate about supporting the teachers, students, and district to build a stronger community. Mrs. Meyer holds a Missouri School Board Association Advanced Board Member Certification.

Mary Clasby-Agee: Board of Education Member
As a retired educator, mother, and grandmother, Mary Clasby-Agee has been a part of the Meramec Valley R-III School District for over 40 years. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education and was a teacher and administrator in the district for many years. Her two children graduated from Pacific High School, and one of her grandsons currently attends school in the district. Mary believes that education should provide the foundation for student success and lifelong learning. During her spare time, she cares for her mother and spends time with her children and grandchildren.

Amanda Nemeth: Board of Education Member & Missouri School Board Association Delegate Alternate
Amanda and her husband Andy reside in Pacific with their family. Amanda is the Executive Director for the Franklin County Board of REALTORS and owner of Little Ireland Coffee shop with her husband. Amanda and Andy have lived in the MVR-III school district since 2016 and quickly jumped into the community by joining volunteer organizations throughout Pacific. In 2018 they began fostering 4 amazing siblings and fell in love. One year later they officially became a family of 8, joining the two older Nemeth kids to make their family complete. Together, there will be a Nemeth in Pacific High School for thirteen years in a row. Amanda is no stranger to volunteering. She was on the Pacific Partnership Board of Directors for five and a half years and President of the board for over two years. She also serves on the Pacific Eagles Ladies Auxiliary Board as Treasurer and the Missouri REALTORS strategic planning committee. You will often find Andy and Amanda holding events on the patio at Little Ireland or participating in a fundraiser for the Pacific community and school district.

Tim Richardson: Board of Education Member
Tim Richardson and his wife, Kathy, live in the Gray Summit area. Tim is a veteran on the Board of Education with 22 plus years of service with the Meramec Valley R-III School District. He has been a part of successful bond issues to improve district facilities, along with leading the board as a past president for many years. Tim has a successful contracting business in the community. Tim, Kathy, and sons Ryan and Colton are all graduates of Pacific High School. Tim is a member of the Pacific Eagles and United Methodist Church of Gray Summit. He is heartfelt about being a good steward for the residents of the Meramec Valley R-III School District.

Laura Riegler: Board of Education Member
Laura Riegler and her family reside in Pacific, MO. She and her husband, Dan, have two children that attend school in the Meramec Valley R-III School District. Laura graduated with a master's degree in social work from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and holds advanced certifications while working with military service members, veterans, and their families. Over the years, Laura has volunteered in Meramec Valley R-III School District at building and district level. She is currently the Vice President of the MVR-III Bridge Foundation.

Louis Vondera: Board of Education Member
Louis Vondera and his family reside in Robertsville. He and his wife, Janelle, have two children that attend schools in the Meramec Valley R-III School District. Louis is a Project Manager for Richard Gullet and Sons. Louis began serving as a volunteer at Zitzman Elementary School when his children began kindergarten. He was the lead father for Zitzman’s Dads of Great Students Program and coaches Little League Basketball. Louis and his wife, Janelle, are both graduates of Pacific High School.
The Meramec Valley R-III Board of Education is a group of seven elected members to serve as the educational advocate of the district. The key roles and responsibilities of the Board are to:
Hire and evaluate the superintendent and delegate all administrative responsibilities.
Approve the school district's budget.
Establish goals and evaluate outcomes.
Adopt and evaluate policies.
Connect with the community.
Assure school district performance.
School Board Members must meet the following requirements:
A citizen of the United States of America;
A resident taxpayer of the Meramec Valley R-III School District;
A resident in Missouri for a minimum of one year immediately preceding the above- mentioned election;
A minimum of twenty-four (24) years of age;
A person who is not delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, or real property taxes on his/her place of residence, and if a past or present corporate officer of any fee office must not be delinquent in the payment of any taxes owed to the state;
A person who has not been found guilty of nor has pled guilty to a felony under the federal laws of the United States of America or to a felony under Missouri law or an offense committed in another state that would be considered a felony in Missouri;
A person who is not registered or required to be registered as a sex offender pursuant to Missouri law;
A person who has filed, or the treasurer of any existing candidate committee has filed, all required campaign disclosure reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission, when applicable, for all previous elections in which he/she was a candidate.
A board of education is a governmental body, so it can take action only by a majority vote at a legally called public meeting. The individual board member's major responsibility is to study, evaluate, and after due consideration, vote in the best interest of all students at such board meetings. Board meeting agendas are posted on the district website and at the Administrative Building.
Member | Elected | Term Expires |
Matt Trower | 2023 | 2026 |
Dianna Meyer | 2023 | 2026 |
Mary Clasby-Agee, | 2024 | 2027 |
Amanda Nemeth | 2023 | 2026 |
Tim Richardson | 2022 | 2025 |
Laura Riegler | 2024 | 2027 |
Louis Vondera | 2022 | 2025 |