New Family to MVR-III?


The Meramec Valley R-III enrollment process for new families/students can be completed online. In addition, all current MVR-III families will be required to complete a Returning Students - Annual Family Information Update online. The enrollment/update may be completed using a computer, laptop, or tablet.

Before you begin:
Gather the required information and documents listed in the appropriate section below.
Be sure to complete the entire process. You will receive email confirmation after submission.
Smartphones are not supported devices for online enrollment.
If you do not have computer access or prefer to enroll in person, please call your MVR-III school to set up an appointment.
We are happy to provide a district computer on-site and assist you with completing the application!
View the Infinite Campus online registration video to learn more about the process.
If you need assistance:
Email Student Data Coordinator Michelle Reed
Call Central Office at 636-271-1400 between 8 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday.
Kindergarten Registration (Now Open!)
Meramec Valley R-III offers full-day, tuition-free kindergarten to resident families. Children must be five years old before August 1 of a school year to begin kindergarten. Before you begin, please collect the required documentation listed in the Enroll drop-down below.
Families new to the district will begin Kindergarten registration by contacting the office of their assigned MVR-III school between 8 AM & 4 PM to begin the enrollment process. Staff will provide a link to complete the process.
Existing MVR-III families will complete this registration through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. View THIS 25-26 Kindergarten Registration news article for full details.
START HERE - Which best describes your family?
MVR-III Family with a New Student?
MVR-III Family with a Returning Student?
Early Childhood Options
MVR-III offers Parents as Teachers (in-home visiting programs for ages 0-36 months) and various pre-school programs (ages 3-5 years). For more information, please call Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center at 636-271-1464.
Admission of Resident Students
All students, five to twenty-one years of age, who reside within the boundaries of the District may attend District schools tuition-free. In order to “reside” within the District, the student must be physically domiciled within District boundaries. The domicile of a minor child is generally the domicile of the student’s parents or guardian.
A student may only register in the District if the student provides proof of residency or if the student or parent requests a waiver from the Board of Education on the basis of hardship or good cause. Parents will be required to sign a “Proof of Residency” form at the time of enrollment. If the Superintendent has reason to suspect that the admission of a student will create an immediate danger to the safety of others, a hearing will be convened. At the hearing, the District will determine whether the student may enroll.
Designated attendance areas for all schools shall be established by the Meramec Valley R-III Board of education to make optimum use of district school facilities. Students residing within the attendance area of a school shall attend that school except as otherwise provided by the policies of the Meramec Valley R-III Board of Education.