The Pacific High School Class of 2021 is scheduled to graduate on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. at the Pacific High School Athletic Stadium. Each graduate will receive ten (10) tickets to use for stadium field entrance and four (4) tickets to be used for an indoor ceremony in the event of inclement weather. Seniors must arrive at Pacific High School and report to the Main Gym by 1:30 p.m.
The Pacific High School Athletic Stadium will be open for seating at 2:00 p.m. There will be seating set up at the field level for individuals with disabilities. Field seats will be arranged in groups of ten to accommodate each graduate’s ten guests. We ask guests to leave the chairs in the order arranged for safety. Additional seating will be available in the stadium stands as a first come first serve basis. Again, we ask guests to remain in their family groups for safety and maintain a safe distance from other groups.
Caps and gowns must be worn for graduation. If your graduate is still in need of a cap and gown please contact the high school office at (636)271-1414. Please remember that graduation is a formal event and students should dress according to the guidelines in the commencement pledge. Proper behavior is expected of all in attendance. Do not bring noise makers or other distracting items into the stadium.
Wagner Portraits will take a picture of each graduate as the diploma is presented. Wagner Portraits will email graduation picture information home to parents. Personal pictures may also be taken after the graduation ceremony. Additionally, a live stream video of the graduation ceremony will also be available for families and friends unable to attend the ceremony. On May 23rd, the live stream link will be available on the Meramec Valley R-III District website;
To be proactive with graduation ceremony announcements, please have all guests download the free MVR-III Mobile App to get updates.
Inclement Weather Plans:
In the event of inclement weather
An announcement will be made for all guests to take shelter in their vehicle and graduates will be escorted into the high school
Up to a two (2) hour delay will be enacted
In accordance with COVID-19 guidance- an indoor graduation ceremony will be extremely limited. Four (4) indoor tickets will be provided to each graduate. Two (2) green tickets for the live ceremony in the main PHS gymnasium and two (2) orange tickets for PHS live streaming seating in the PHS auditorium and PHS cafeteria.
District announcements will be made through the MVR-III Mobile App
Other remaining guests have access to watch the ceremony on the live stream accessed on the district website at
District announcements will be made through the MVR-III Mobile App
If you have questions about graduation, please call the Pacific High School Office at (636)271-1414.