Tim Richardson was recently honored by the Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) for his service to public education. Richardson was one of eight individuals to receive the association’s Friend of Education Award. The award is presented annually to recognize non-educators, one from each of the eight MASA Districts, for their contribution to education locally or statewide. Richardson was nominated for the award by school administrators in the South Central MASA District. This special recognition was made during the awards banquet at the MASA Spring Conference on March 24th at The Lodge of Four Seasons at Lake Ozark, Missouri.
Richardson is currently serving his 23rd year on the Meramec Valley R-III (MVR-III) School Board. Ten of those years, Richardson served as Board President. He has played an integral part of improving district facilities from the start of his time on the Board. Richardson has spent nearly half of his life serving the families in the MVR-III School District by leading through times of change, while focusing on the community’s core roots. His desire to serve is driven solely by his passion for helping others and seeing his local community grow and flourish.
Richardson’s caring heart and long-standing dedication to MVR-III is well deserving of the 2021 Friend of Education Award. He has demonstrated friendship to education by the number of years he has served for the betterment of children and faculty of the MVR-III community. Richardson also serves as a member of the Pacific Eagles Aerie #3842 where he continues to support the MVR-III District through community benefits to ensure children in the community have the necessary items to be successful in life. MVR-III is lucky to have Tim Richardson as a loyal friend to education.