Pacific High School graduate and business owner, Tim Husereau and his real estate team have made a pledge to donate 3% of their annual sales to the Meramec Valley R-III School District. The Husereau Team is made up of nine real estate professionals with several of the agents being graduates of PHS or have children attending schools in the Meramec Valley R-III School District.
Tim Husereau explained his reasoning behind making the donation pledge, “ We have become the number one real estate team in the area. We have worked long and hard to be at the top. The best way to show our appreciation to the people who have supported us through the years is to give back to our community. We believe the children are our future, so we are investing in the kids of this community. So, when people are looking to invest in their own future, we will do our part to invest in our children’s future.”
The Husereau Team is known for having fun while trying to make the town a better place for everyone. Events sponsored by the Husereau Team include the Back-Yard Olympics with contributions going to the Pacific Soccer Association, Summer Supply Drive with non-perishable food items being donated to MVR-III families, their annual Softball Tournament with profits going to support the Pacific Youth Association, a Christmas Drive to support families in need during the holiday season, and their largest sponsored activity for the year being the Commision Donation.
How does the Commission Donation work? Tim Husereau says, “Each time a piece of property is sold or purchased through the Husereau Team, 3% of the commission will be donated to the District.”
The MVR-III School District has had plans to start an educational foundation for some time. This district will be finalizing these plans over the next few months. An educational foundation provides a means for people to show their support for and gratitude to the schools while making funds available to offer academic scholarships, mini-grants for teachers to use to enhance learning, technology enhancement, and school improvements. The Commission Donation from the Husereau Team will help the District start the foundation.
Superintendent, Dr. John Mulford, noted, “I am continually amazed by the generosity of our community. I could go down the list and name many businesses and individuals who give to our schools, simply because they want to make a difference. Mr. Husereau has been one of those constant supporters and this commitment by his team for the 2021 calendar year is just one more example of what makes Pacific a special place to live and work.”
Pictured from front left; Alex McKinney, Chelsea Bergmann, Summer Husereau, Jessica Blum, Heather Liwapattanapichit, and Cathy Pemberton Bell. From back left; Matt Hulsey, Tim Husereau, and Zeth Boyer.