Tomahawk Tribune - Back Together

Dear Families,

Once again, we want to thank families for another great week! The Tomahawk Tribune (attached below) highlights the first couple weeks of the school year. It showcases the many reasons why we are thankful to be back together as a school community. 

As we leave for a three-day Holiday weekend, we want to share a friendly reminder that our region saw a spike in COVID positive cases after the July 4th Holiday weekend.  We can each take some simple steps to help slow the spread of COVID and protect ourselves, our families, and the MVR-III community.  By doing our best to maintain a 6-foot distance when attending any events or gatherings, wearing a face covering when you can’t maintain 6-feet, and being outside as much as possible, we can significantly reduce the chances of bringing COVID-19 into the school environment. And don’t forget to wash those hands regularly!

We are thankful for the opportunity to partner with you in your child’s education and wish you a safe and peaceful Labor Day weekend!  

Tomahawk Tribune - Back Together Edition Link


John Mulford, Ed.D.


Meramec Valley R-III School District