Student Poll Election Workers

Pacific High School (PHS) wrestlers and JAG students will be working the Presidential Primary Election on March 10th.  The Missouri Secretary of State's office partners with academic institutions and other civic and labor groups around the state to help local election authorities. Tim Baker, Franklin County Clerk and Pacific High School Alumnus, has been an advocate for student involvement in the election process.  Mr. Baker's partnership has laid the groundwork for MVR-III students to be involved in local elections. 

After completing a training, the PHS wrestlers and JAG students will hold the position of Poll Worker.  Their duties will include checking in registered voters, answer questions and make sure that everyone who is eligible is given the opportunity to vote.  To find out more on how to become an election Poll Worker go to  The student Poll Workers are exhibiting citizenship and responsibility by serving in this role at the Primary Election. 

Use the following link to find out more about the upcoming Presidential Primary Election: Upcoming Elections.