MVR-III will be recognizing building level Teacher of Year and building level Support Staff Member of the Year over the next few weeks. Today we recognize Stacey Kloeppel as Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center's Teacher of the Year and Gail Pipes as Support Staff Member of the Year.
Ms. Kloeppel serves as an Occupational Therapist in the MVR-III School District.and is based out of Doris Hoffman. Kloeppel goes above and beyond to help students with special needs, supports teachers and families. Ms. Pipes is a Preschool Teacher at Doris Hoffman. Pipes nurtures some of our youngest students in the MVR-III School District. Both Kloeppel and Pipes are well deserving of this distinguished honor. We want to thank them for doing what is best for the students at Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center.