The Meramec Valley R-III School District is pleased to announce Blair Thompson has been named the new Activities Director for Pacific High School. Thompson was approved by the Meramec Valley R-III Board of Education on Wednesday, February 20. Andy Herbst has served as the Activities Director for the past 15 years. Herbst will serve as full-time assistant principal of Pacific High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Pacific High School Principal, Dan Kania, says, “We are very excited to welcome Blair Thompson to our team at Meramec Valley. His successes with being a head coach and involvement with community organizations has us very excited for what Mr. Thompson will do for our District. Thompson has a strong vision for the overall athletic and activities program for Pacific High School.”
Blair Thompson is coming to Pacific from Jefferson City where he currently serves as a teacher and coach. Thompson has 14 years of teaching experience and has been a head boys’ basketball coach at Cuba, Sullivan, and Jefferson City. In 2017, Thompson began taking on an administrative role of mentoring new coaches. When asked why he wanted to come to Pacific, Thompson had this to say, “I became familiar with PHS in 2005 when I began coaching in the area. Over the years I’ve always respected the way programs from Pacific competed and the manner in which they have represented the school and community. I will work to continue to build on all the good things Mr. Andy Herbst has done throughout his time as Activities Director.” Thompson will begin his duties on July 1st as Activities Director.