February 9-15, 2020 is Missouri School Board Appreciation Week. Missourians benefit every day from School Board Members that dedicate their energies and countless hours to promoting public education for the children and educators of the state of Missouri. These public servants are elected by local constituents and do not receive compensation for their time and effort.
During the week of February 9-15, communities across the state will honor the dedicated service of their local boards of education members during School Board Recognition Week. The goal is to build awareness and understanding of the important role an elected board of education plays in communities and schools in the state of Missouri. We ask the citizens of the Meramec Valley R-III School District recognize the important contributions of these men and women and focus attention on the vital role these public officials play in the education of our students.
We thank the MVR-III Board of Education members for their hard work and dedication to the children and faculty of the district. Use the following link to find out more about the MVR-III Board of Education members. Meet the MVR-III Board of Education
Pictured from back left: Sean Brinker, Matt Trower, Louis Vondera & Dave Strong
Pictured from from left: Dianna Meyer, Tim Richardson & Mary Clasby-Agee
#MVNation ##localschoolboards