Pacific High School Student Council (STUCO) and the Girls Basketball Team volunteered at All Abilities Athletics events. On Saturday, December 7, 2019 a group of about 20 students mostly from STUCO led by Casey Cowsert, were the primary volunteers for the art program, helping the kids to make Christmas necklaces and other art projects. Founder and President of All Abilities Athletics, Chris Homyk, reports, "Casey was absolutely great. The students were very positive and had great interaction with our kids. We would love to have Casey and her students join us again this Spring."
On Saturday, December 14, Girls' Basketball Coach Bill Thoele and members of the girls' basketball team volunteered at the All Abilities Athletics Christmas sports event day. Homyk of All Abilities Athletic said, "The girls were great volunteers! Exploring a variety of sports and spending time with Mr. and Mrs. Claus with their special athletes. Coach Thoele was a great addition and he joined in the fun as well."
All Abilities Athletics is a 501-c-3 organization that was established to provide first class sports opportunities for kids with special needs. Over 150 athletes with a variety of special needs have participated in their sports events as well as their art program, swim program and special field trips.
Pictured: Annie Mueller and Lillian Prichard assisting a participant at the All Abilities Athletics event.
PHS STUCO members assisting All Abilities Athletic students at their Arts & Craft event.