MVR-III Safety Net
Our Mission
The MVR-III Safety Net is a local community support committee made up of citizens, churches, civic groups, and businesses founded to enhance the school life of displaced students and those in need.
Our Story
Safety Net is a local community organization dedicated to assisting students and their families experiencing homelessness in the Meramec Valley R-III School District. Safety Net was created to help provide basic needs, such as food, clothing, hygiene products, school supplies, prescription medication, dental care, and needed transportation. One hundred percent of the funds collected by Safety Net is spent directly on our Meramec Valley R-III students and their families.
The funds are maintained and distributed by the MVR-III School District staff who have the responsibility of monitoring and supporting students who are or are at-risk of homelessness, and making sure all students have basic educational needs met.
Our Support
All donations to Safety Net support our students who are experiencing or are at-risk of homelessness by providing some of the following services:
The Indian Closet: The Indian Closet is a District-wide resource space located at Pacific High School which provides: clothing, winter coats, hats, gloves, socks, shoes, hygiene products, bedding, and school supplies to any students in need.
Back to School Shoes: The Safety Net committee purchases and provides free new school shoes for all students and siblings attending the annual Back to School Bash.
Educational Needs: Safety Net donations can be used to purchase cap and gowns, a yearbook, or other educational supplies.
Housing/Utility Assistance: Safety Net donations can be used to support emergency housing or utility needs.
Meals: Safety Net donations can be used to support emergency meals.
Transportation Needs: Safety Net donations can be used to provide gas cards to families in need of transportation assistance.
Over the last three years the Safety Net organization has donated over $16,000 to provide more than 900 pairs of shoes for MVR-III students as they return to school each year.
All funds donated to MVR-III Safety Net are used to support students who are at-risk of or are currently experiencing homelessness.
Donations are tax deductible.
Donations may also be mailed to MVR-III Safety Net at 126 North Payne Street, Pacific, MO 63069.
For more information, email Safety Net at
Committee Members | |
Rachel George | Pacific High School Educational Support Counselor |
Ryan Gregory | District Homeless Liaison and Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center Principal |
Carol Johnson | Community Member |
Pauline Masson | Community Member |
Dan McClain | Community Member and Retired MVR-III Teacher |
MaryBeth Schmidt | Community Member |
Carrie Schwierjohn | Superintendent |