DHELC Families-Tomorrow is Go Dog Go! Wear your PJs!
DHELC Families-Tomorrow is One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish! Wear Red or Blue!
DHELC Families-Tomorrow is crazy sock day! Wear your crazy socks!
DHELC Families-Tomorrow we will be in session. We have added Hat Day tomorrow to kick off our Reading Week! The rest of the week is listed on the flyer or linked here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I0nbJN9dMtIBh-MCxN7OJpr6gyUDP2KP/view?usp=sharing
Huge thank you to all our families, staff and community! The donation drive was led by DHELC aide Kellie Cowsert, was a huge success! A special thanks to the Pacific Presbyterian Church and their donation of items totaling over $700 and the tri-county senior center which donated a large amount of canned food items. Over 6,000 items were donated and sent to Kentucky. This is truly a great community who supports those in need!
DHELC Families-We are collecting items for Central Elementary in Mayfield, KY. Please send donation items in by Friday, December 17th.
DHELC FAMILIES-OPEN HOUSE is tomorrow!!! We are so excited!
Times are by student last name: A-G: 6:00-6:20pm H-O: 6:30-6:50pm P-Z: 7:00-7:20pm. Teachers are listed in the parent portal.
DHELC Families: Reminder Open House is August 19th. Please be reminded all guests, students and staff will be required to wear a mask. You may bring school supplies at open house. Times are by student last name:
A-G: 6:00-6:20pm
H-O: 6:30-6:50pm
P-Z: 7:00-7:20pm
Thank you!
DHELC Families: Reminder Open House is August 19th. Please be reminded all guests, students and staff will be required to wear a mask. You may bring school supplies at open house. Times are by student last name:
A-G: 6:00-6:20pm
H-O: 6:30-6:50pm
P-Z: 7:00-7:20pm
Thank you!
DHELC-For ALL PK Students-Reminder! PK Graduation is set for May 24th. There are 2 Sessions, please check the flyer for which session your child's class is attending. Also please note due to capacity limitations, we will only allow 2 GUESTS PER GRADUATE. Masks will be required for all guests. Link to the flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tgBGOngvhN-Br0N3UCuo4X5CUFgDO_A6/view?usp=sharing
DHELC-Summer session for students in ESY or tuition programs begins June 2nd. The building will be closed to students from May 27th-June 1st to prepare for the summer session.
DHELC-Families-Reminder the last day for ECSE 1/2 day students is May 25th. Last day for all other students is May 26th. May 26th is an Early Release Day at 1:10. Tuition students needing SACC care after 1:10, please contact the office or your child's teacher. Thank you!
DHELC-Summer session for students attending ESY or tuition programs begins June 2nd. The building will be closed to students from May 27th-June 1st to prepare for the summer session.
DHELC-For ALL PK Students-Reminder! PK Graduation is set for May 24th. There are 2 Sessions, please check the flyer for which session your child's class is attending. Also please note due to capacity limitations, we will only allow 2 GUESTS PER GRADUATE. Masks will be required for all guests. Link to the flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tgBGOngvhN-Br0N3UCuo4X5CUFgDO_A6/view?usp=sharing
DHELC-Families-Reminder the last day for ECSE 1/2 day students is May 25th. Last day for all other students is May 26th. May 26th is an Early Release Day at 1:10. Tuition students needing SACC care after 1:10, please contact the office or your child's teacher. Thank you!
DHELC-This week is staff appreciation week! Show your thanks by sending an email, a note, or a picture to staff!
DHELC-Reminder! No School Friday April 23rd for Professional Development.
DHELC-Reminder Spring Break is March 22nd-March 26th. Buildings will be closed.
Throughout the month of March, each MVR-III School will announce its own Support Staff Member of the Year and Teacher of the Year. Today, we recognize Doris Hoffman Early Learning Center's Jessica Graham as the Support Staff Member of the Year and Robin Mach as the Teacher of the Year. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated. Congratulations!
DHELC-Dr. Seuss Week Begins! Crazy Sock day tomorrow as we read the Foot Book!