Put a cap on drugs!! Wear a hat tomorrow! 🧢
about 2 years ago, Zitzman Elementary School
Reminder!! Bobo's Delivery will be from 4-6 at Pacific Intermediate!!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
Bobo's Pick Up
Just a Reminder, we will be dismissing at 1:10 today! You will not be able to pick up from SACC from 2 until 4! Happy Friday!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
MVR-III teachers have organized several events during the month of October to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness, while supporting Zitzman & Nike Elementary retiree Rhonda Lee. Mrs. Lee was diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2021. She has been courageously battling the disease but is in need of support from the MVR-III Indians. Visit the Rally for Rhonda Merch Store at https://store.kickprint.com/RallyForRhonda, attend the "Pink Out" PHS volleyball game on Oct. 13, and participate in the cancer walk at the PHS track being organized for Oct. 22. #MVNation
over 2 years ago, MVR-III School District
Breast Cancer Awareness
Just a reminder, tomorrow is JERSEY DAY!! ⚾️🏐🏈🏀⚽️
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
Don't forget tomorrow to wear your Beach/Hawaiian attire!! It is Lifesaver Day!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
Beach/Hawaiian Day
Sound UP🔊Check out our Zitzman Chiefs STEAM Club experiencing the Milky Way up close through this Expeditions Pro immersive virtual reality tour! #MVNation https://youtu.be/F552OJRvw8A
over 2 years ago, MVR-III School District
McTeacher Night is tonight from 5-8!!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
McTeacher Night
Bobo Fundraiser Packets will be sent home today. Check your students backpack!
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
Make sure to check out this weeks Chief Weekly! #ZEChiefs
over 2 years ago, Elizabeth Marquart
Chief Weekly
Nick Jansen with Vero Fitness provided an Immune System Lunch & Learn for employees to review ways to stay healthy. Thanks Vero Fitness for being a community partner to help keep our community healthy. #MVNation #learning #nutrition #fitness
over 3 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
Spirit Squad will perform at the St. Patrick's Day parade ~ 11:00 AM , March 13th.
almost 4 years ago, Keith Orris
Are you looking for some new school apparel? Take a look at the www.MVR3Merch.com online store to purchase t-shirts, hoodies, and more. Text option available by texting MVR3 to 900900. Happy shopping!! #MVNation
over 4 years ago, Meramec Valley R-III School District
District Store
Sebastian raised over $450 in one week for JDRF! Thank you for your generosity!
about 5 years ago, Keith Orris
~ Tell Me Something Good ~ When we had more kids than computers during SACC lab, Gunner was the first to say that another student could take his spot and he would go back to the SACC room. Way to be a leader Gunner!
about 5 years ago, Keith Orris
Tell Ne Something Good Gunner
~Tell Me Something Good ~ Landon found a dollar in the hallway and asked to turn it in to the office. Way to be honest Landon!
about 5 years ago, Keith Orris
Upcoming Events Before Thanksgiving Break: November 7th - Club's Choice Fundraiser pick-up - 3:15 - 6:00 November 7th - 13th Operation Gratitude collection for service members (flyer coming home Thursday) November 11th -15th - Thanksgiving Baskets donations for Zitzman families (flyer coming home Thursday) November 14th - STEM Night 6:00-7:30 November 18th - 22nd - Book Fair (we still need volunteers) https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c48a4ab28abf49-book November 20th - Grandparents Day A-K November 21st - Grandparents Day L-Z
about 5 years ago, Keith Orris
1st grade science experiment creating home made bouncy balls!
over 5 years ago, Keith Orris
Bouncy ball experiment
Bouncy Ball Experiment 2