Writing on the Walls starts now. Join us to admire some amazing student work until 7:30.
Join us this week for parent teacher conferences, grandparent breakfast, AND the book fair.
Inspire your future reader by signing up for the #ImaginationLibrary, funded by Dolly Parton and the State of Missouri. Your child can receive a free book each month until age 5. Find out more at imaginationlibrary.com and register today!
Early Dismissal at 1:10 marks the end of our first trimester. Great job Chiefs! See you back at school on 11/13.
Tomorrow is Picture Retake Day!
Come on down to pick up fundraiser items if your child participated in the BOBO's Fundraiser.
Bobo's pick-up will be in the gym today from 4:00-6:00 PM. Please plan to get your items today as we do not have the freezer space to hold them. We will not be able to start distributing items until the parent pick-up line is finished this afternoon.
Thank you and have a great day!
No school today or tomorrow. We'll see you Wednesday. Enjoy your fall break!
Early Dismissal today at 1:10 for the Homecoming Parade!
This Friday, Oct. 13, is an early release day for students. Secondary will release at 12 PM and elementary at 1:10 PM. The Homecoming Parade begins at 2:30 PM and the PHS Tailgate starts at 5 PM. Super Smokers BBQ and Love at First Bite Tamales food trucks, PHS Band Booster Walking Tacos, the National Guard obstacle course, and children's bounce houses will all be on site. See you there before the game, #MVNation!
Dr. Schwierjohn visits with Pacific High School Student Council officers for this Homecoming edition of “Tell Me Something Good” Tuesday. Take a moment to hear about upcoming events around #MVNation !
Come on out for McTeacher Night. Happening now, from 4-7.
Reminder! Tomorrow is Picture Day. Don't forget to order your pictures online.
Bonds are for Building - One of the final building projects made possible by passage of the Prop 1 bond issue has nearly been completed. Students and staff are now able to utilize the Library Media Center space provided by renovations to the old Zitzman Elementary gym. #MVNation
Don't forget: El Agave night is tonight from 5-10!
Registration for PHS Summer Camps is now open. Participants will receive quality developmental instruction from our high school and middle school coaching staff. For more information about our camps and clinics, visit pacificsportscamps.com. #MVNation
MVR-III is now accepting new Kindergarten registrations. Hear our current students talk about their favorite things from this school year, and be sure to get your incoming Kindergartener registered today!
Spirit Squad signups are tonight from 4-5 PM, or tomorrow morning from 7:30-8 AM in room 6. Orders for uniforms will go out next week!
REMINDER>>> Family Pizza Night with Pizza Hit is tonight! The teacher with the highest total will earn a pizza party!! 🍕🍕🍕
Don't forget to wear your Camouflage tomorrow for Red Ribbon Spirit Week!!