Dear Truman Families,
You will see a quick Valentines-Gram Fundraiser coming home! Our 3rd Grade Ambassadors along with the support from myself and Mrs. Lydon-Lorson, will collect, count, organize and deliver all Valentine-grams on Tuesday 2/14. Something about student leadership, kindness, and spreading JOY becomes so contagious in our hallways!
We have finished our Middle of the Year testing with students. We also have just finished meeting as a team of teachers to celebrate students growth since the beginning of the year! We hope to share your students success during our February Parent-Teacher Conferences - they will be held 2/27-3/3 - be on the look out for communication from your child's teacher to set up a time!
Thank you for all you do to support your child, communicate with us and continue to make the home-to-school relationships strong
Save the Dates:
- 1/16-3/3 Yearbook Sales OPEN
- 1/17-2/26 - Girls on the Run Registration Window
- 2/1 PTO Monthly Meeting
- 2/3-2/16 - Flora & Ulysses Chapters 40-58
- 2/3 PTO Ties & Tiaras Family Dance
- 2/8 The 100th Day of School
- 2/15 MVR3 Board Meeting
- 2/17 Lunch & Learn with Dr. Sladek
- 2/17-2/23 Flora & Ulysses Chapters 59-68
- 2/20 NO SCHOOL - President's Day
- 2/22 PTO Guffey's Pizza Day!
- 2/24 Early Dismissal @ 1:10pm
- 2/24 School-Wide Flora & Ulysses Movie Day & 3rd Grade Popcorn Fundraiser for their Capital Field Trip
- 2/27 NO SCHOOL (Teacher PD Day)
- 2/28-3/3 Parent/Teacher Conference Week