New Year!
Welcome back for second semester! I hope you and your family had a wonderful, relaxing break! It is hard to believe we are already halfway finished with the school! I can't wait to see what great things our students do in the new year and look forward to the many educational adventures we will take!
Save the Date!
- 1/4 School Resumes!
- 1/13 PTO Family Bingo Night
- 1/16 NO SCHOOL
- 1/16-3/3 Yearbook Sales Open
- 1/17-2/26 Girls on the Run Registration Open
- 1/17-3/1 STEAM Club Session 2 (every Tuesday)
- 1/18 MVR3 Board Meeting
- 1/27 NO SCHOOL
- 1/30 TE Blood Drive 1/30 PTO Meeting
One Book One School!
Truman Elementary is excited to announce the launch of our whole school book club called “One Book, One School!” Your child has received his/her own copy of the book “Flora and Ulysses”, thanks to the profits from our 2021-22 book blast fundraiser. With the "One School, One Book" program, we aim to foster a community of readers within our school community. Everyone - students, parents, teachers, even administrative staff - will be participating and we can all reap the benefits.
"One School, One Book" is a novel program that includes children at all grade levels listening and/or reading the same book. Strange or daring as that may seem, it actually makes sound educational sense. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child's own reading level and when a whole school reads a book there's a lot to talk about. With your help we can continue to foster a community of readers at Truman Elementary.
We have a copy of this book for EVERY STUDENT and Staff Member at Truman Elementary; we also have Spanish copies if some homes would like a Spanish version! We have extra copies for parents (if you want your own) or for our local small business owners if they want to read along with us!