Happy New School Year! We are officially underway and off to a great start! I applaud everyone for our back to school transportation patience and new procedures...we are all adjusting great and getting the hang of a better and safer process for all students which is the ultimate goal. The students seem to have a had a great summer and are happy to return to our hallways. We missed them!
Our 4th grade students completed their first Truman Times of the year and they will continue producing and highlighted all the great things we do each and everyday for the remainder of the year.
We will have lots of other opportunities for students to shine at Truman Elementary:
- Poms
- STEAM Club
- 3rd Grade Ambassadors
- Intramurals for 4th grade
- and more...
Stay tuned throughout the year to sign up as we start planning and preparing to get those up and running.
Truman staff wants to building relationships with our families. There are many ways to be involved as everyone's schedule looks different. Some suggestions are:
- (With an approved district background check) volunteer in our lunch room or reading to students!
- Help a classroom teacher at home by cutting out letters, etc.
- Attend building-wide events like our Trunk or Treat, STEAM Night, PTO Trivia event, movie nights, etc.
- Attend and support our PTO by coming to monthly meetings (The LAST Monday of every month @ 6:00pm)
- Become a Watch Dog Dad and sign up for the program!
- Other... just ask and we'll be happy to find a way to use your talents!
In closing, I want to reiterate that I have a true open door policy. Please stop by or call at any time. I like to hear how we are doing and if there is anything we can do to make it better! Thanks for sharing your child with us!
Dates to Remember:
9/6-9/9 PTO Penny Wars;
Student Shirt Orders DUE by 9/18
9/26 PTO Meeting @ 6:00pm Truman Library
9/19-9/29 Boosterthon Fun Run Fundraiser; 9/30 Boosterthon Fun Run Event Day!