Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! It is with great excitement that I get to serve as the principal of Truman Elementary. I have worked for Meramec Valley R-III School District for 6 years. This will be my 4th year as the Truman principal. I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well, and hope that you were able to enjoy some time to relax this summer. We have been preparing for the 2022-2023 school year which starts with our Open House on August 18th where you will meet your child’s teacher and tour their classroom. As of August 12th, you will be able to see your teacher in SIS/Parent Portal. Additionally, Your child’s teacher will be contacting you prior to Open House. Teachers will return to our building for meetings and prep time starting Monday, August 15th.
We will be working with a new system this year called KidAccount to secure our dismissal process with more security and confirmation on our end to make sure your child's safety is our highest priority. Stay tuned as this may affect our dismissal process a bit a locations of who gets picked up where! I will post a video explaining those details as we get closer to the start of school. Along the lines of safety we are still under construction in our front office to secure the entrance. We will have a new front entrance when you come into our building to make sure that we are securing our premises and having more control of who is able to enter and exit during school hours. This is exciting and reassuring all at the same time!
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Dr. Sladek
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