From the Desk of Dr. Sladek:
What a terrific start to the new school year! I have had the chance to visit the classrooms on many occasions; my favorite, most purposeful visit was when I got to read them a story called Mr. Bumble. I was able to let them in on a secret as to why the book was similar to our Tribe. The clues were an empty bucket, a bee, fairies, and a full bucket. See if they remember and can tell you about all the fairies, celebrations and supports that go on at Truman Elementary! Besides my read aloud just walking through the hallways I can see the students are demonstrating positive attitudes towards their learning and kindness in the hallways.
Truman staff are off to a great start as we collectively work to build productive learning environments that focus on the skills that allow us to utilize critical thinking to move beyond mere repetition and memorization. Their work is so vital to assisting the student in developing habits of mind that allow them to persist or be resilient when they reach a rough patch.
Our Truman Staff is also working, and hyper-focused on this topic the first 8 days, with children to grow their social skills and develop empathy. This core value will help the students to understand their peers during times of struggle. We will focus on more core values throughout the year that will help to guide the student in decision making and building their own self-confidence.
Please be sure to contact me if you feel the need at any time! or 636-346-6156
You can find all things September on our website []
or at these links:
- Breakfast Menu:
- Lunch Menu:
- September Calendar -
- PTO Flyer:
What will you #BE in September?
At home try and use the districts 8 pillars of success language so that your child knows the expectations in and
out of school. Or focus on one of the characteristics as a family and see what kind of results you get!
Collaboration – Be a Team Player Communication – Be Open and Honest
I can work well with others I can use my words to say what I think/feel
Responsibility – Be in Control Respectfulness – Be Polite
I can own my words and actions I can use my manners
Creativity – Be Clever Citizenship – Be a Role Model
I can think outside the box and take risks. I can set a good example for others
Resilience – Be Brave Critical Thinking - Be a Problem Solver
I can keep trying even when things get tough I can work hard to take obstacles
Leading & Learning with a smile,
Dr. Sladek