Welcome Back Truman Tribe!
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. It is my pleasure to serve as the principal of Truman Elementary. I have worked for Meramec Valley R-III School District for 5 years. This will be my 3rd year as the Truman Elementary principal.
We are so excited to have students back at Truman starting Monday, August 23rd! The Meet & Greet was a great success and the excitement is continuing to build as students come to seat tomorrow to learn!
Call the office if you have any questions and we will see everyone on Monday!
My door and phone line are always open.
P:(636)271-1434 M:(636)346-6156
Every Thursday you will receive communication from me via email. I will continue to use Class Dojo as our main form of communication! If you are not connected to Class Dojo please reach out to your students teacher ASAP or I am happy to try and help as well!
Back to School Color Status.
When in Green Status…
o Masks are optional for ALL students in ALL district buildings.
o Masks are optional for ALL vaccinated employees.
o District employees and district volunteers not vaccinated are required to wear a face mask when not able to keep a distance of 6 feet.
o Masks are optional for vaccinated visitors and spectators.
o Masks are required for ALL students and staff on MVR-III buses.
You can refer to our district plan here: MVR-III Safe Return to School Plan
Student Transportation.
Consistency is important! Please communicate with your students teacher regarding their transportation choice: SACC, Bus Rider, or Car Rider. For the first week please be out at the bus stop EARLY… and be patient as it may arrive LATE. It will take time for parents, students, bus drivers and families to get in the routine of these routes. Having grace and assuming best intentions is our best chance to work together this week! For Car Riders please consider having students get in and out of the car on the passenger side. We have staff available to help open and close the car doors to keep the line moving. On the first day of school we will have many extra hands to help your student down the hallway to their classroom. We will not be allowing parents to walk students to classes. Please plan to take pictures outside in our front circle we will have a photo op by our flag pole or you can take a picture by our marquee. We promise to post lots of first day pictures for you to check out! ALL morning drop offs will drive around our OUTER ROAD (past the playground) and drop off at our Cafeteria doors. All Car Riders for pick-ups will form a line around our front circle and we will bring your student to you.
Mark Your Calendars.
August 26th – Truman Fall Picture Day
September 3rd – No School (Professional Learning Day for Staff)
September 6th – No School (Labor Day)
September 20th – 30th – Fall Dance-Fit Fundraiser
Leading & Learning with a smile,
Dr. Jenna Sladek; Ed.D
Principal, Truman Elementary
P:(636)271-1434 M:(636)346-6156
A: 101 Indian Warpath Dr Pacific, MO 63069
W: MVR3 Website: Truman Elementary
Grow. Decide. Strengthen
Commit. Lead. Succeed.