Meramec Valley R-III School District Volunteer Background Checks
If you plan to volunteer, attend field trips, or help at classroom parties, you need a background check. Two background checks are now required. Please contact your child's school office, if you have any questions.
Background Check #1: Website:
Click On: Meramec Valley R-III School District Volunteers
Follow the directions on the Log-In page (Please make note of the ACCOUNT NAME and PASSWORD before selecting Request a Search)
The charge for this background check is $17.00 and must be charged to a VISA or MasterCard.
*This background check is good for 6 years.
All records searches that are processed are conducted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol Criminal Records Division (CRID) This service has been approved for the Meramec Valley R-III Volunteer Background checks.
Please note by using this link, a copy of your background check will automatically be sent to the Meramec Valley R-III School District.
Background Check #2: Family Care Safety Registry
*This background check does not expire and only needs to be done once.
If you believe you have already registered, check the website or call 866-422-6872. The charge for this background check is $12.00.
The school that you are volunteering at will be notified of the results of the background check.