Dear Tribe Families,
Spring has arrived, the allergies are in full force, the flowers are blooming and the ENERGY in our kiddos are on the RISE! We see some definite changes in our students during this time of year. While teachers are trying to capture the last stretch of instructional time, our students want more than anything to be outside and having fun. Please encourage your child to continue to work to his/her fullest potential, even when he/she feels frustrated with the challenges of learning. The greatest amount of growth usually takes place when students have to work the hardest at something, and that is such an important part of learning! At Truman we refer to this as RESILENCE!
As most of you are aware, we start each day of with our morning announcements. We have recently turned our announcements into a Live @ 9:00am Zoom Session. Right now myself and Mrs. Lydon-Lorson are running the show but we have hopes that our 4th grade leaders will want to take over soon! We take time to celebrate birthdays, and have a specific grade level share out interesting facts each month. For the month of April our Kindergarten students will be sharing Jokes! Laughing is such an important part of our day and I am so excited we get to start our day with a laugh each day in April!
The MAP State Tests (grades 3 & 4) are upon us, and we know that even the word “testing” brings anxiety to many students. We are excited for them to “show what they know,” as the school year winds down. As a mother, I know that kids do not share the same sentiment … it can be such a stressful experience. We will encourage and support them at school. Remind them to let someone know if they are experiencing test anxiety, and we can give them strategies to use. We have lots of FUN things planned to support these kiddos in the weeks to come!
As always, we ask that you pay special attention to information that is coming home in your child’s folder/Class Dojo/Facebook – we try as many means as possible to reach you and keep you in the loop. This time of year is filled with fun activities and important dates, and we wouldn’t want anyone to miss anything!
Happy Spring!
Please reach out to me if you need resources or any support in any way!
Jenna Sladek – 636-346-6156 or or via Class Dojo!
All Things April!
April Breakfast & Lunch Menus:
April Calendar:
April Monthly Newsletter:
TE PTO April Mtg Flyer: