August 2020
Dear Parents & Guardians ~
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. It is my pleasure to serve as the principal of Truman Elementary. I have worked for Meramec Valley R-III School District for 4 years. This will be my 2nd year as Truman principal.
The year 2020 has certainly been off to an interesting start and we continue diving into uncharted waters. With that said, we had a summer school session in July and look to take everything we learned and apply it to our in-person fall session. Please find the districts full re opening plan here – Re-Entry Plan
Truman has an active Parent Volunteer Organization (PTO). The organization has traditionally sponsored activities such as Meet the Principal Night, Trunk or Treat, Trivia Night, Game Night, and other fundraisers to support the school. This year will look very different and we will let you know if and when we are able to hold events and have volunteers.
Our goals as a community will be obtained with strong partnerships between the home and school. Please check out our website, download the free MVR3 App, and follow the sign up directions with your student’s teacher on how to get connected with ClassDojo. Class Dojo will be our main form of communication between home and school this year. We are looking to get the ENTIRE SCHOOL signed up and working through this platform as we strive to find consistency through communication for all grades! Additionally, like us on Facebook at Truman Elementary, or follow us on Twitter or Instagram @TrumanTribe or Truman Elementary.
We will continue to focus on the “Whole Child” approach. Which, in my opinion, is more important now than ever before. The Whole Child approach to education and the Missouri Learning Standards is defined by policies, practices, and positive relationships that ensure each child in our school is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
Open House is scheduled for Monday, August 24th from 6-8 p.m.
· Tables will be set up for individual teachers outside, weather permitting
· Limit Parents/Students to 1 adult per student
· Guests will be required to wear a face-covering
· Teachers will wear face shields so students can see faces
· Families may make appointments for students who need to physically tour the building
Families will be grouped by their last name:
A-G: 6:00-6:30
H-O: 6:45-7:15
P-Z: 7:30-8:00
*Plan B – in case of rain, we will have teachers email out 3 different ZOOM Log-Ins and you can zoom in with your students teacher during any of the 3 times slots above.
In the end we want to make ourselves available to you, in the safest way possible, so that you and your student feel prepared for the first day of school on August 26th!
School Hours
The school day begins at 8:35 AM and will release at 3:40 PM.
Nurse News
A copy of updated shot record should be turned in to the office as many shots are required by law. Special health conditions regarding your student should be reported through our Medical Information Form filled out during registration.
School Breakfast/Lunch
Studies show that a healthy breakfast gives children a head start to a successful day. The cost of breakfast is $1.80 per day/$9.00 per week; lunch is $2.85 per day/$14.25 per week. Students may purchase extra milk for $.65 per carton. All money to be deposited into your student’s lunch account should be placed in an envelope with the student’s name, grade, teacher’s name, and the amount enclosed. Periodic notices will be sent home regarding meal account balance and can also be accessed through the SIS Parent Portal System. A Free and Reduced Form will be included in your student’s Back to School folder.
In compliance with our Healthy Generation School goals, Truman will focus on healthy celebrations. Student birthdays will be recognized through our Truman Times announcements. To comply with the national health guideline, we will no longer accept birthday or holiday treats.
Parking/Visitor Passes/Bus Transfers
It is the goal of the Meramec Valley R-III School District to provide a safe environment for students. The district recognizes that rules regarding dismissal of students are a necessary part of the district’s safety program. There is a district bus transfer procedure in place to help keep students safe after dismissal. Review the bus transfer procedure form and return the completed form to your student’s teacher. Students are allowed one alternative address request; however, the address must be consistent. All visitors must enter the school through the office doors with a mask. We will make it our best effort to get the information you need from our foyer area and not have you enter the building unless necessary. Students will be released through the office only.
First Week of School
This year we are requesting parents to bring their students to school if they are able. If your student will be a bus rider we encourage them to ride the bus to and from school on the first day. Students need to meet their bus driver, get in the routine of those normal procedures starting day one. Help your child be successful and have a smooth transition into school by starting their day off with our friendly bus drivers. Parents are welcome to meet their student at school after they arrive on the bus and snap a picture outside. We, unfortunately, will not be allowing visitors in the building until further notice.
School Supplies
Please refer to the district website School Supplies for a complete list of school supplies. Due to some very generous donations students will be provided with free supplies this year. Parents are welcome to provide optional items on the list and can bring those to open house. Please let your students teacher know as soon as possible if your student will be a Car Rider at dismissal this year. We will work to get signs in your car which helps make our dismissal process go much quicker and smoother.
We look forward to seeing all the Truman families at the Monday, August 24th Open House – Meet & Greet event. If you have any questions concerning the 2020-2021 school year please contact me at (636)346-6156 or email at
August 24th – Open House
August 26th – First Day of School
August 27th – Fall Picture Day
September 7th – No School – Labor Day
***The above dates are for ALL Learners in our Truman Tribe (In-Person, Hybrid & Virtual). It is very near and dear to my heart that you understand no matter the learning platform you decided for your student this year – if you are receiving this email – you are a part of OUR TRIBE. We are #OneTribe and we will work tirelessly to make sure everyone is involved and connected! The extra cleaning the over planning the continuous change and conversations these are not changing our hearts and how we start we day. All these things may be changing some of our routines and procedures, and maybe even for the better, regardless, we are still here to CONNECT and grow with your student. Please give your child’s teacher grace and understanding and we will keep that at the forefront for your student and you, please communicate when you have a concern and please be ready to walk through this with us together as #OneTribe.
Grow. Decide. Strengthen
Commit. Lead. Succeed.