Happy Monday,
So excited to have smiling faces back in the hallways today! It is going to be a great week. Instead of waiting until Thursday to send this info out on overload I thought I could knock some of this info out today!
Attached you will find:
November Attendance: The slides represent the data for attendance since the month of August. Here is a link to the slides - https://5il.co/bm7z
December Newsletter: The is a letter highlighting some things to focus on this month. Here is a link to the newsletter - https://5il.co/bm80
December Calendar: This is a calendar for parents to have a glance at all the events and important dates to remember. Here is the link to the calender - https://5il.co/bm81
December Menus: There is a Breakfast menu and a Lunch menu in order for you to plan out your students preferred choices. Here is the link to the menus - https://5il.co/bm82
TO DO! I have a homework assignment for you parents! I need for you to take time and complete the Parent Character Plus Survey Here is more info below:
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We need your help. We are working to improve character education in our school, and we would appreciate it if you would complete our parent survey. The information you provide is very important to us and will be used in school planning.
The survey should take only a few minutes of your time.
Please complete the survey today if possible, but no later than December 3, 2019.
Your response to the survey is anonymous, confidential and voluntary. Responding to the survey constitutes your consent for us to use the information for district and school planning.
Thank you for your assistance.
Dr. Sladek
1. Go to the website www.charactersurvey.com 2. Click on the line in the top middle of the page that says CHARACTERplus® 3. Click on the word Parent.
4. Type in School ID: 361264080
5. Type in Password: prt26
6. Click <Log In>
7. Read the directions, click “To Begin Click Here,” and complete the survey.
8. Click on the SUBMIT arrow.
Thanks for taking the time to stay informed and involved. I will be sending another weekly email on Thursday! Talk to you soon.
Leading & Learning with a smile.