Dear Parents,
Our goal is to create the best possible learning environment for ALL of our students. In order to do this, teachers’ energies will be focused on providing quality instruction for each and every child. Most days will consist of lessons in English Language Arts and Math , then a hands-on Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) lesson. At this time we plan to have multiple field trips throughout the program, and we want Summer Discovery to be a fun
experience for our students.
It will be expected that every student will come to the summer program prepared to behave in a respectful, responsible, and safe manner. Please take the time to discuss these expectations with your child, and to stress the importance of responsible behavior, as well as the consequences for inappropriate behavior. Bus rules and consequences in the 2022-2023 Student Handbook will be followed. Copies are available in the main office of each
building. Please be reminded that if a student chooses to behave in a manner that is unsafe, that interferes with learning, or is disrespectful, parents will be notified. We will be enforcing a "2 strikes and you're out" policy. If a student is sent to the office 2 times for inappropriate behavior they will be asked to leave the program without a chance to return.
We thank you in advance for your support in ensuring that the Meramec Valley R-III Summer Discovery Program is a positive and productive learning experience for all of our children.
Your partners in learning,
MVR-III Principals
Dates to Remember:
*6/12 4th Grade - Zoo Field Trip
*6/13 Kdg - World Bird Sanctuary
*6/14 1st Grade - Union Splash Pad
*6/15 2nd Grade - Science Center
*6/21 2nd Grade - Union Splash Pad; 3rd Grade - Oasis Lanes; 4th Grade - Global Cafe
*6/23 School-Wide - Bounce House
*6/26 School-Wide - Snow Cones
*6/27 Kdg - Union Splash Pad
*6/28 1st Grade - Magic House; 3rd Grade - Purina Farms
*6/30 School-Wide - Water Day