A Note From The Principal:
Spring is almost upon us! Time to get outside a little more and enjoy the warmer days (I'm doing a little wishful thinking as I'm typing!!) As the season changes and we head into the end stretch of this school year, testing begins at Truman Elementary but is balanced with all the fun exciting things too; like field trips, celebration days, and continued learning and mastering of skills!
After a week of parent/teacher conferences our staff at Truman Elementary are ready to hit the ground running with our next steps to continue to teach and grow your student. We will continue testing monthly in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade using Evaluate and in our Kindergarten and 1st grade classes we will continue to check for milestone check points as they master the basics of reading, writing, and math skills! 3rd & 4th grade will take the MAP test in May but we will be using the month of March and April to review and prep.
Although our kids are far more than what is measured on a test, as we go into "testing season," there are definitely some things we can do to help them succeed. Make sure students get plenty of sleep and a healthy breakfast. But, most importantly, tell them how much you love them and how proud you are of them each and every day!
-Dr. Sladek
Pillar of the Month: Communication:
just wanted to take time to say THANK YOU for your continued support. Parent Teacher Conferences were a huge success! I appreciate everyone scheduling an appointment to meet with your child's teacher to discuss strength and areas of growth.
Truman students and staff are thriving, thanks to everyone's efforts and we have fantastic plans to finish the year strong!
Morning Meeting:
Every classroom begins each day with a Morning meeting! Morning Meeting sets the tone for respectful learning and establishes a climate of trust. It motivates children by addressing two human needs: the need to feel a sense of significance and belonging and the need to have fun! Morning Meetings merges social, emotional and intellectual learning. Morning Meetings run daily from 8:50-9:10am, so make sure your student arrives on time each day to participate!
Save the Date:
- 3/2 3rd Grade Field Trip
- 3/3 Yearbook Sales END
- 3/3 Report Cards Emailed Home
- 3/6-3/10 Severe Weather Preparedness Week
- 3/7 2nd Grade Field Trip
- 3/9 Kindergarten Round Up Night
- 3/13 District Spelling Bee (4th, 5th & 6th Grade only)
- 3/14 PTO Meeting
- 3/15 MVR3 Board Meeting
- 3/16 3rd & 4th Grade Musical
- 3/17 2nd Trimester Celebration Day
- 3/19-3/24 NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 3/25 PTO Trivia Night
- 3/30 Truman Elementary STEAM Night