Storm Shelter at Zitzman Elementary Open to the Public
Thanks to the passage of Prop 1 in 2021, MVR-III was able to build the Zitzman Elementary storm shelter gymnasium. This shelter, built with reinforced concrete and impact-resistant materials, provides protection from tornadoes and winds up to 250 mph. For the safety of our community, the Zitzman storm shelter/gym will be open tonight, Friday, March 14, 2025, from 7:00 PM until the storm passes. Please park in the front lot for entry. More info about the weather forecast can be found at: https://www.weather.gov/media/lsx/DssPacket.pdf. Stay safe and take care tonight!

Did You Know?
📢 Prop M – No Tax Increase Bond 📢 is on the April 8 ballot and will provide essential upgrades for ALL MVR-III schools, including:
✅ Enhanced Safety – Upgraded security cameras
✅ Modern Classrooms – Interactive learning panels
✅ Better Learning Environments – Improved sound systems
✅ Up-to-Date Technology – New computers for students
🗳️ Vote on April 8th! #MovingForwardTogether for #MVNation students & schools!

Mark Your Calendar!
🗳️ Prop M – No Tax Increase Bond
Join us for one of our final Prop M Family & Community Roundtables to learn how this No Tax Increase Bond will benefit our students and schools.
📍 Tuesday, March 11, 6-7 PM at Zitzman Elementary Library
📍 Monday, March 24, 6-7 PM at Pacific Intermediate Library (Tours available at Pacific Intermediate!)
🗓️ Election Day: Tuesday, April 8

Rescheduled: Coffee w/ Carrie for March has been moved from this coming Tuesday to March 25th. Hope to see you at Little Ireland Coffee then! #MVNation #GrowingTogether

From eye-catching artwork to top-notch ROTC precision, Pacific High School students showcased their diverse abilities last weekend. Over 400 high school works of art were submitted to the St. Louis Artists' Guild annual Young Artist Showcase. Only about 150 were chosen, and 4 of those were by PHS students. Seniors Brook Liepart, Dria Adams, & Trenton Meier and junior Bryan Stogsdill will have their artwork on display at the gallery (12 Jackson Avenue, Clayton, MO) for the month of March. If you have time, check it out! Also, the PHS Marine Corps JROTC took 1st Place Overall at the 2025 Central Campus Drill Meet in Iowa. Cadets placed 1st in Armed Exhibition, Inspection, & New Cadet, and 2nd in Armed Regulation, Unarmed Regulation, & Color Guard. Well done, #MVNation!

Check out the March 6, 2025 edition of the Indian Insight here:

Passage of Proposition M will positively impact every student in the MVR-III School District. This No Tax Increase bond issue will provide funds for a new 7th/8th grade building and provide a better learning space for students in grades 5 & 6. Upon completion of a new middle school, this project would immediately affect over 800 students in grades 5 - 8. However, all future students at grades 4 and below would ultimately benefit from the improved learning spaces provided by Prop M. #MVNation #MovingForwardTogether

Area businesses are invited to take part in the Pacific High School Student Job Fair being held at PHS on Thursday, April 24. Please sign up to host a table at bit.ly/PHSJBFR. For more info, contact Nicole Ingersoll at 636-271-1414 or ningersoll@mvr3.k12.mo.us. #MVNation #GrowingTogether

Proposition M is on the ballot for April 8, 2025. The voter registration deadline for this election is March 12, 2025. Visit bit.ly/MVR3PropM for more info. #MVNation #GrowingTogether

Reminder: There will be no school for MVR-III students tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 28, 2025), as it is a district professional development day. Our most up-to-date school year calendars can be found on our website at bit.ly/MVR3CAL #MVNation #GrowingTogether

Catch the latest issue of the Indian Insight here: https://secure.smore.com/n/n3rea

Don't miss your chance to see the spring play, Agatha Christie's: Witness for the Prosecution. Thurs, 2/27; Frid., 2/28 & Sat, 3/1 @ 7:00pm. Senior Citizens may attend the last full dress rehearsal on Tues, 2/25 @ 4pm. Tickets may be purchased from a cast or crew member, at the door, or by contacting Kim Fleming at kfleming@mvr3.k12.mo.us or 636-271-1414

Fuel your weekend AND support local students! Don't miss out on the Pacific Eagles Barbeque (707 W. Congress) this Saturday, Feb. 22, from 11 AM - 3 PM (or until sold out). All proceeds benefit the MVR-III school lunch program! #MVNation

Sign up today for the FREE 2nd Annual "Together We Grow" Family Resource Event hosted by MVR-III at Riverbend Middle School from 5:30 - 7:30 PM on Thursday, March 6. Gain insight with workshops on navigating power struggles, promoting language development, preventing drug & alcohol use, teaching safe Internet use, and more. Free childcare, dinner, door prizes, & resources provided with signup at bit.ly/MVR3FRN. Questions? Contact Mr. Josh Grodie at jgrodie@mvr3.k12.mo.us or 636-271-1459. #MVNation #GrowingTogether

Last Call - Nominations for the Pacific High School Hall of Fame are due by Saturday, March 1. For information on nominating exceptional alumni who have made lasting contributions to the district, please visit bit.ly/PHSHOF. Nominate a worthy candidate today! #MVNation

MVR-III Building Support Staff & Teacher of the Year recipients at Nike Elementary & Pacific High were notified of their honor this week. Staff at each building nominate and vote for their peers when deciding this award. #MVNation is blessed to have Difference Makers like these!

Due to the forecast of ice and snow along with the timing of the winter storm, Meramec Valley R-III School District is canceling school for Wednesday, February 12.

Have an interest in nursing? Then we have a scholarship offer for you! The Carrie E. Gross Nursing Scholarship is available to current Pacific High School students or PHS graduates (since 1995) pursuing a degree in nursing. Applicants must provide an acceptance letter from a nursing program, and an interview with the scholarship committee will be required. Visit bit.ly/mvr3scholar for more info, or contact Nicole Ingersoll, Senior Advisor, at ningersoll@mvr3.k12.mo.us or 636-271-1414 (Ext. 2102). #MVNation #GrowingTogether

Parents: catch the latest edition of the Indian Insight here:

Calling all Class of 2029 families! Don’t miss out on Freshman Preview Night in the PHS Auditorium at 6 PM next Tuesday, Feb. 4. Learn about opportunities, curriculum, & next steps for you and your student. Get course selection help from counselors before (3:30-5 PM) and directly after the presentation (until 7:30 PM). Contact the Counseling Department at 636-271-1414 for more information. #MVNation