Pleasant Hills High School

Congratulations to the speech team for their third-place finish at Saturday's 23-team Pleasant Hill Tournament.  The following students placed for Pacific:

Drew Roemer, 2nd  place Extemporaneous Speaking  

Ellie Nahm, 2nd place Informational Speaking

Riley Cook, 3rd place Dramatic Interpretation

Bella Guenzler, 3rd place Poetry Reading

Kadence Schaecher & Riley Cook, 3rd place Duo Interpretation

Kadence Schaecher, 4th place Poetry Reading

Bella Jones, 5th place Storytelling

Caleb Cancienne & Jake Whitehead, 5th place Duet Acting

Lyla Lloyd, 6th place Storytelling

Maleah Gerdes & Ellie Nahm, 6th place Duet Acting

Bella Guenzler, 6th place Dramatic Interpretation

Drew Roemer, 6th place Original Oratory

(Pictured above, Pleasant Hill Tournament. Front row: Bella Jones, Maleah Gerdes, & Kadence Schaecher. Second row: Paige Robbins, Lyla Lloyd, Ava Deusinger, Ellie Nahm, & Bella Guenzler. Back row: Jake Whitehead, Caleb Cancienne, Riley Cook, & Drew Roemer)

Pacific also competed in Friday's Savannah Tournament where PHS won two Individual Event championships (pictured below):

Caleb Cancienne, tournament champion in Radio Speaking

Jake Whitehead & Caleb Cancienne, tournament champions in Duet Acting

Also placing for Pacific were Paige Robbins, Riley Cook, Kadence Schaecher, Drew Roemer, Maleah Gerdes, Ellie Nahm, and Lyla Lloyd

(Pictured below, Savannah Tournament. Front row: Paige Robbins, Ellie Nahm, Ava Deusinger, Kadence Schaecher, Maleah Gerdes, Lyla Lloyd, & Bella Jones. Back row: Caleb Cancienne, Jake Whitehead, Drew Roemer, Riley Cook, Bella Guenzler)