Tuesday night, March 1, the speech team completed its regular season by winning the Four Rivers Conference championship. Pacific now has won the Four Rivers Conference championship in speech 15 years in a row.
PHS won 8 of the 11 Individual Event championships. Congratulations to these eight conference champions:
Riley Cook, Dramatic Interpretation
Madison Lewis, Prose Reading
Kadence Schaecher, Original Oratory
Ellie Nahm & Riley Cook, Duo Interpretation
Ellie Nahm & Madison Lewis, Duet Acting
Julie Patton, Radio Speaking
Ava Deusinger, Poetry Reading
Lyla Lloyd, Storytelling
The following Pacific students also won conference medals:
Drew Roemer, 2nd place in Extemporaneous Speaking
Bella Guenzler, 2nd place in Poetry Reading
Alex Harris, 3rd place in Extemporaneous Speaking
Drew Roemer, 3rd place in Original Oratory
Caleb Cancienne, 3rd place in Radio Speaking
Maleah Gerdes, 3rd place in Dramatic Interpretation