It’s no secret that our school loves spirit weeks, no matter the occasion. Red Ribbon week is no different.
The theme for Monday was “Proud to Be Drug Free”, wear red. Similarly to pink out day or skittles day, studets went all out in red.
Tuesday was one of the overall favorite themes among the students, “Don’t Carry the Weight of Drugs”, or more commonly known as "anything but a backpack today". This was by far the day that students were the most creative. Some carried laundry baskets, traffic cones, cereal boxes, and even toy shopping carts.
“You live and you learn. You can’t bring a shopping cart into school,” senior Silas Guenzler said, after trying to bring a full sized shopping cart into the school.
Wednesday gave everyone a day to chill out and relax with the theme, “Saying No to Drugs is No Sweat” which had everyone head to toe in sweatpants and sweatshirts. Thursday sparked everyone back up with, “The Future is Bright No Drugs in Sight," neon day. This is always a crowd favorite with bright colors, facepaint, and the occasional tutu.
Lastly, Friday’s theme to finish everything off was, “Drugs Can’t Find Me”, which was camo day. Taking a look at our students you can tell everyone went all out for this, but maybe that’s just because this was all that was in their closets.
“Sweet home Alabama. Can you actually put that in there?” sophomore, Sophie Meyer said.