Visual Arts classes take on Inktober
October 27, 2021
October means a lot of things, like Halloween, pumpkin spice, and leaves falling. But for Joe Fuchs’ Visual Art classes, October means Inktober.
The rules are simple. Students read the daily prompt, interpret the expression, and draw your ideas.
“My favorite part is the prompt,” Fuchs said. “You can interpret the prompt of the day any way you wish, and it forces you to come up with creative ideas that you might not have generated without being guided by the prompt.”
The finished product should be in ink, hence the name INKtober.
“It is a creative challenge that artists are participating in from around the world,” Fuchs said. “It’s fun, challenging, and sharing is encouraged.”
The students then take a photograph of their artwork and post it to a virtual gallery. Anyone can go like their favorite drawings and scroll through some amazing pieces of art.
This world-wide drawing challenge allows artists to grow and think creatively. Go check out all the talented artwork done by Pacific High School students by clicking this link:
About the Contributor
Caylei Caldwell, Features Editor, News Editor, Copy Editor
Class of '22 Section Editor: Features Section Editor: News Copy Editor Age: 16 Hobbies: Competitive Acrobatic Gymnastics, reading Junior